The quail and the squirrel were going to make a boundary between their lands. The squirrel hit the quail, and the quail wept. The barking deer asked why he wept. “The squirrel took my land and hit me, that is why I am weeping.”
The deer said: “I will see about your land.” The squirrel heard. He sent word to the deer. The deer came. He did not see about the land. The squirrel struck the quail again, and said: “Why do you tell such lies?”
The wild mithan came and asked the quail why he was weeping. The quail said: “The squirrel took my land and hit me, that is why I am weeping.” The mithan said: “I will see about your land.” The mithan came. He did not see about the land. The squirrel hit the quail once more, and said: “Why do you tell such lies?”
The mantis came. He asked the quail: “Why are you weeping?” The quail said: “The squirrel took my land and struck me, that is why I am weeping”.
The mantis said: “I will see about your land.” He went, and caught the squirrel’s eyes with his front legs. The squirrel could do nothing. The squirrel said: “Why have you caught me?” The mantis said: “Do as I say. I will make a boundary between your lands.” He made a boundary and gave all the trees and creepers to the squirrel and the ground to the quail. The quail was very happy and very rich, they say. There is no more.
Ursula Graham’s Collection